the mistake
a mistake's never been admitted
each day brings more bloodshed
and shadows the eyes of a young mother
who collects pieces of her husband's flesh
a mistake's never been acknowledged
by the mind of perhaps the dumbest
who fires his halting words of love and freedom
at the heart of the saviour's truth
who veils history if not the conqueror
in the desert the daily storms blast
thousands and thousands more will have lost
the river is mixed with the innocent blood
who wipes the tears if not the mother
from the child's face heaven and earth
the dead will rise but the conqueror will read
his own history of lies and blood
time and again
and the children play in the desert
naked of heart
the same old song they sing
emptied of meaning
no shame against dignity
they march
no guilt against sovereignty
they play
a deceitful game
and they die
in the desert
as did their fathers
in a distant land
for division hatred not dream
m-16s shoulder hang
they die playing
Nguyễn Xuân Vời
October 2005 |